• Usman Mallam Hussaini
  • Usman Sani Abbas
Keywords: Drug Abuse; Youths; Adolescents; Religious Intervention; Community Participation and National Development.


Nigerian communities are today facing numerous problems relating to social, economic, political and so on. Most of these problems are self-imposed. This means that such problems are resultant of the people’s lackadaisical attitude on one thing or another. The menace of drug abuse is really disturbing and negatively affecting all sectors of life. Substance abuse in early life exposes adolescents and young people in danger. Use of harmful legal products through drinking, swallowing, sniffing, chewing, smoking and injection as well as inhaling or ingesting drugs illegally constitute a devastating health condition for individuals, community and Nigerian societies in general. As such, a single approach towards preventing the menace of drug abuse and misuse among some youths and adolescents will not be sufficient to reduce such negative effects among the population groups at both community and societal levels. Hence, the need for religious intervention and community participation. However, the focus of this research paper is on integrated community participation and religious intervention towards prevention of substance abuse, with the aim of promoting health of the vulnerable groups, protection and enhancing the community health and safety. The methodology adopted are empirical through questionnaires, where information generated are studied, examined and analysed. Interviews were also conducted. Experts were consulted and their views are of paramount importance. Among such experts are religious scholars from Islam, Christianity and even traditional religions. Library research method is also applied. Textbooks, magazines, periodicals, journals related to the area of research were consulted. The paper recommends among others that approaches of health education and enlightenment need to be employed with the aim of reducing the menace of drug abuse, improving health of the vulnerable groups, community and society at large and that business orientation should be needed to instil attitude of self-reliance. In order to reduce menace of drug abuse in Nigeria and improve health of the community and society at large, religious intervention is also recommended to inculcate virtues capable of making youths to be morally upright.
