• Fatima Muhammad Dabarako
Keywords: Islāmic Education, Curriculum Development, General Education, Islāmization of Knowledge, Human Capital.


The intent of this research is to analyze the educational challenges facing the Muslim nations and the role of international relations in the progression and regression of these challenges. In the past three to four decades, the challenges facing the educational sector of the Muslim Nations have continued to increase. Muslim nations, struggle with the need to combine successfully, general education with Islāmic knowledge. Education goes beyond teaching and learning how to read and write. It includes impacting the ethical and social values of society. Indeed, education is the means by which culture is taught and maintained. General education for the most part is concerned with the development of students into becoming qualified hands for the growth and development of society, while religious knowledge is concerned with the moral values inculcated in students. This research will be looking at how theories of international relations affect the educational systems prevalent in Muslim Nations. It will also take a look at the role of internal factors in the progression or regression of the educational sector of these nations, the role of international bodies in the development or failure of the educational systems of these countries. This research is of the qualitative kind. It uses the secondary data, using online books, articles of journals and websites. Tables have been used to show the differences in the literacy level of Muslims countries as well as a comparison between Muslim Nations and some non-Muslim Nations. The tables are not all inclusive. For the purpose of this research, four Muslim countries have been chosen from each of the continents where Muslim’s nations lie, to discuss the structure and curriculum of the educational sector of the Muslim world. India has also been included for the reason that is has the second largest \Muslim population, Saudi Arabia (Middle East), Pakistan and India (Asia), Nigeria (Africa) and Turkey (Europe). Due to the limited scope of this research, only pre-school to high school education will be discussed. The paper concludes with suggestive measures to curb the challenges facing the Ummah with respect to education. It points out the urgent need for independent curriculum development that suits the need of the Muslim child.
